
At EverythingIsEdible, we value your feedback and strive to continuously improve our platform to better serve our community. Your insights, suggestions, and comments are incredibly valuable to us, and we welcome them with open arms.

How to provide feedback?

There are several ways you can share your feedback with us:

  1. Feedback Form: Fill out our online feedback form below to share your thoughts, suggestions, or concerns directly with our team.
  2. Email: Send us an email at with your feedback. Whether it’s a comment about a specific recipe, a suggestion for new content, or a request for features, we’re all ears.
  3. Surveys: Occasionally, we may conduct surveys to gather feedback from our audience. Your participation in these surveys is greatly appreciated and helps us tailor our content and services to better meet your needs.

What we do with your feedback?

When you share your feedback with us, rest assured that it doesn’t fall on deaf ears. Here’s what we do with the feedback we receive:

  1. Review: Our team carefully reviews each and every piece of feedback we receive. We take the time to understand your perspective and identify areas where we can make improvements.
  2. Analysis: We analyze the feedback to identify common themes, trends, and patterns. This helps us prioritize which areas to focus on and informs our decision-making process.
  3. Action: Your feedback guides our actions. Whether it’s implementing new features, updating existing content, or making changes to improve user experience, we take proactive steps based on your feedback.
  4. Communication: We believe in transparency and accountability. If your feedback results in changes or improvements to our platform, we’ll communicate those changes to you, so you know that your voice has been heard and valued.

Share Your Feedback Now:

We encourage you to take a few moments to share your feedback with us. Your input helps us shape the future of EverythingIsEdible and ensures that we continue to deliver content and services that resonate with our audience.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and thank you for helping us make EverythingIsEdible the best it can be.


Shakeel Anjum

admin, EverythingIsEdible